About us

We make the best
for all our children

Empowering Through Technology

At Teach Africa, we hold a deeply rooted belief that access to technology is not just a privilege; it’s a fundamental right that every individual, regardless of their background, should enjoy. Our journey commenced in February 2020, but its roots delve far deeper into the personal experiences of our founder, Junaid Ridwan, a software engineer, and tech visionary.

Our Founder's Inspiration

From Humble Beginnings

Junaid emerged as the 10th child in a family of 15, navigating the complexities of a polygamous home. In these early years, his path was marked by trials, but they forged the resilience that defines Teach Africa today. 

A Father’s Unseen Vision

His own father, unfamiliar with the world of technology, held a different vision for Junaid. He saw tech gadgets as distractions from the path of becoming a barber, a trade he had chosen for his son. This clash of dreams created frustration and tension, as Junaid’s father held back every tech gadget Junaid acquired.

The Tussle Between Dreams

The struggle was real – Junaid’s father envisioned a future in barbering, while Junaid’s passion for technology burned brightly. The clash of dreams and generations sparked a tussle, leaving Junaid in a challenging spot.

A Transformation Ignited

It was the brilliance of Junaid’s web projects that changed everything. Witnessing the incredible work his son had accomplished through technology, Junaid’s father finally understood the limitless potential that tech held.

The Birth of Teach Africa

With this transformative moment, Junaid’s vision for Teach Africa was born. He understood that the power of technology could break down barriers, uplift communities, and drive innovation. Teach Africa became his way of ensuring that no one else would have to face the same struggles he had endured.

Empowering the Less Privileged

Teach Africa is Junaid’s legacy – a commitment to providing free tech education to underprivileged individuals across the African continent. It’s a testament to his journey, his resilience, and his belief that everyone, no matter their background, deserves a chance to thrive in the digital age.

Join Us on this Journey

At Teach Africa, we invite you to be part of this incredible journey. Whether you are a learner, a mentor, a partner, or a supporter, your presence in this narrative is pivotal. Together, we can dismantle barriers, inspire dreams, and create a brighter, more equitable future for all of Africa. In the heart of our journey, we don’t just teach technology; we unlock the potential of a continent.

Community centers

We’ve built 80 centers globally. There, kids get access to education centers, medical offices, libraries, playgrounds and more.

Data-driven approach

We track measurable progress with a research agency to prove we’re making a real impact on our kids.


Programs change by age and country to ensure that our kids graduate healthy, educated, empowered, and employed.

We are doing
the right thing,
at the right time

Like the world-changers who support our organization, we are focused on making a long-term impact by helping kids living in poverty. We have a bold vision: graduating healthy, educated, empowered and employed young adults from our program.

The students supported by our programs face major barriers to accessing education; many are orphaned, living in extreme poverty or dealing with other difficult family circumstances.

key outcomes

What makes us diferent?

Community centers

We’ve built 80 centers globally. There, kids get access to education centers, medical offices, libraries, playgrounds and more.

Data-driven approach

We track measurable progress with a research agency to prove we’re making a real impact on our kids.


Programs change by age and country to ensure that our kids graduate healthy, educated, empowered, and employed.

Isabelle McKenzie

“I love the kids we serve and when love is the motivation, there is no things that can’t be achieved.”

Jeremy Newman

“To be of benefit to all children who need the support of the greatest goal in my life.”


Meet our leadership team

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Be the change for one child:


Hello, my name is Michael and I am 7 years old and I want to be an astronaut when I grow up.


Hello, my name is Isaiah and I am 12 years old and I want to be a doctor when I grow up.


Hello, my name is Samantha and I am 6 years old and I want to be a ballet dancer when I grow up.

Our causes

We help more than 23k children every year